Hands-on Extraction and Grafting Cadaver Course


Presented by

Kyle J. Diehl, PhD, DDS, MSD

Dr. Diehl, a proud Colorado native from Fort Collins, draws on his upbringing on Diehl Ranches to foster a strong work ethic and determination. His experiences in semi-pro hockey reinforced values of teamwork and communication.

With a PhD in Cardiovascular Physiology from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Diehl shifted to dentistry, driven by the systemic impact of oral health. He holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery, Certificate in Periodontics, and Master of Science in Dentistry from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine, earning multiple awards.

Currently Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine and University of Colorado – Boulder, Dr. Diehl specializes in periodontal disease treatment, dental implants, gum and bone grafting, laser therapy, and conscious sedation, integrating his expertise in Cardiovascular Physiology for comprehensive patient care.

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October 12, 2024

Course Price is $1750

Registration: 8:00 am
Course: Saturday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Continental Breakfast and Lunch  provided

Location: Columbia, MD

CE: 8 CE Credits

Course Description:

This one-day program is designed for clinicians who are looking to enhance their skills in performing surgical extraction procedures.

The program will begin with a didactic portion followed by hands-on exercises in the cadaver lab, providing participants with an opportunity to expand their knowledge and refine their surgical skills.

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion, the participants should know:

  • Basic head and neck anatomy and dissection techniques.
  • How to utilize the knowledge of anatomy when performing oral surgery.
  • Local anesthetic techniques.
  • Basic principles of oral surgery, including instrumentation to be used in different procedures – using the wedge, rotation and lever principles.
  • Principles of removing teeth impacted in soft tissues and hard tissues, upper third molars and lower third molars.
  • Principles of surgical extractions, including flap raising, bone removal and suturing.
  • Role of CBCTs and how it relates to anatomy and its use in advanced oral surgery.
  • Principles of socket preservation (post extraction) and the use of various materials like human, bovine and synthetic bone in their various formats plus the various membranes and their ideal use case.
  • Management of pre, during and post-surgical complications.
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